ARTICLE 1V Section 4. The
States shall
guarantee to every
State in this Union a Republican
Form of Government, and
protect each of them against
Invasion; and on Application of
Legislature, or of the
Executive (when the Legislature
cannot be convened)
domestic Violence.
A Republican form of government
is where
the people freely elect their representatives,
and the representatives
pass laws approved
by all, according to a set of rules as to what is
proper and just
law and what is not.
Sharia is Islamic Dictatorship. It is savage,
bloody, and requires
every Muslim male to be
ready to kill his
mother, sister, wife, or daughter, for alleged
infractions of sexual
or other imagined
It has no place in America or any civilized
The attempts of today,
to bring this savage
way of living into free America must be
fought against, or there will be no more
Sharia Law requires the
mutilation of little
girl's sexual organs in a bloody
"circumcision" called a Clitorectomy.
women are not supposed to feel sexual
pleasure. So the clitoris of a
pubescent girl is
savagely amputated. If the girl bleeds to
death, or suffers
lifelong health problems
because of this mutilation, it doesn't matter,
because she's only
a female, and not worth
Boys as young as three years old are taken to
the bloody Ashura, which is a wild, medieval
ritual where hundreds
of Muslim men take
long knives and slice their scalps until they
are covered with
Check this out on
Do you want this maniacal
behaviour to be
part of American
They already get to pray their Muslim
in our schools, while Christian
children are
still forbidden to say the Name
of Jesus.
The United States government has caved in to
all the Muslim demands since 9-ll.
That is called
must not surrender!
Enforce Article 1V
Section 4!!!